What is the typical delivery timeline for products?

Please allow 5-12 working days from order date to delivery. For any other general questions regarding your order, please email Support@Dogwalkersprerolls.com

My tracking says my package was delivered, but I didn't get my package.

For questions regarding your order, please email Support@Dogwalkersprerolls.com

Where can I purchase Dogwalkers merchandise in-store?

We sell select branded merchandise at your local Rise Dispensaries.  Please check online Rise menus for availability.

How can I receive restock alerts for items that are sold out?

This feature will be coming soon to our website.  Please contact Support@Dogwalkersprerolls.com while we continue to improve our capabilities. 

Can your brand ship me free merchandise?

You can purchase our branded merchandise on our website.

Where do you ship?

Currently, we ship to all 50 states.  Local state laws apply when shipping hazardous materials.  We do not ship international shipments at this time.